
Lake Funny Ha Ha

(The title is a tribute to my rellies in Minnesota. The post is totally random.)

Uh... earlier this evening I checked my nifty online TV guide and saw that my limited (plug-the-tv-into-Ye-olde-electrical-socket) channels had nothihng on. So I went to Ye Olde Video store (yes, I'm out of touch - I don't have Netflix yet). And I rented a DVD.

But I got home at 10PM and I am in the midst of a "life change:" early to bed and early to rise. If you know me as well as we both think you do, you are aware that is a very tough habit to break. So I figured "if I start the movie now, I won't go to bed early, and the habit change will not be in effect."

It is funny I think, habitual patterns. Because indeed I did not put the DVD in, however I am still up. Good Yuck and Good Night.


Evil Thoughts About the Ex

The International Ex is in town. The fucker. I know this because I "got wind of it," not from him directly. He has not contacted me since he shot off his uber-vicious e-mail in February. Two days before Valentine's Day, in fact.

As you can tell I am still a little bit hung up, but it's getting easier with time. However! If that fucker doesn't contact me while he's here, I'll be pissed. Furthermore! If that fucker contacts me while he's here, I'll be pissed. Damned if he do, and damned if he don't. And you know what? He's such a chicken shit baby that I know he won't. So I'm pissed.

I'm happy to be slowly losing that childish baggage. Who needs it? He wasn't all that anyway (I tell myself. I tell myself).

Evil Thoughts

Yesterday I was driving home and ahead of me was a Porsche with the top down. Porsches are pretty much common around here, and you can always tell a newish owner because they have the top down when it’s sunny but only 53 degrees, so seeing this silver one cruisng along was no surprise.

As I got closer I could see the driver had his arm resting on the window sill, but in a really funny way, I couldn’t quite figure out how he had his arm positioned. And then we pulled up next to each other at a light. His arm was actually sticking straight up: he was an amputee and was using that [half] arm to hold his cell phone to his ear! My evil thought? “Nice settlement.”

The second I heard myself think that, the Good Mona slapped the Dark Mona upside the head.
