
Terribly Un-PC

Will it ever be okay to watch something an African American does on reality TV and say "that's so black?"

Dark "Light"

Hello all of you who have never looked at my darker side before. I used to get real heavy here before; I used to get "real." Then I evacuated, thinking negative thoughts breed negativity, blah blah blah, and in aiding a positive direction in life, I let this site go. I've resurrected this site to say stuff I cannot be pegged for, cannot tweet or facebook, but yet I need to tell someone what I am thinking... nothing deep, you see, just more like super offensive stuff that would get people in real high places in a lot of hot water - it's a new "light" twist on A Darker Side of Me.

Be warned. These statements will not be "PC..." Ever. And some of it might be things "ladies" think, but never ever say.

I love you.


Hello I am Dark Again.

Hello. I am Dark again. It has been a long time since I have been Dark. The funny thing is that, at this time many people are feeling Hope (Obama! And Bushwacked is leaving office!). But I have love issues again, and that trumps all National Euphoria, right? Right.

So here's the deal. New Man. Good Man. Good Man swooped/swept me off my goddamn feet in the first couple of weeks. For a while there, I was like, Whoa Charlie, slow the whole Parade down! And then, without even me needing to say that, he did. He did slow the Parade down because of a Family Tragedy.

Now, I'm a nice, Very Patient Girl, and I was really nice and patient. I am trying to be the best, most sexy reliable girl you could possibly lean on in a time when your father passes and you are trying to not only figure your own place out but what will become of the remaining family. Yes, I am lying low, I am not asking for ANYTHING even though I need a few small reassurances just to keep the fuel pump working. But your flow, Mister, has stopped. Your oil well of affection is dry and I am tired of fishing an empty well. And so, as much as I like you, and I did open a teeny tiny bit to you, and because of that I am only a little bit hurt... I'd rather be a little bit hurt and not A LOT hurt and so I am moving on. And still fucking Dark , and wondering why My Life Path chooses Me to be the One at the High School Reunion who is Single And (Pretending) to Love It! when everyone else there hase 2 or 1.5 kids and a picket shit fence and a person to share life with and kids to teach stuff to when I am the Child Whisperer without any Partner or Children of my own. So, for crying out loud, I am crying out loud upset about this... I only say it here, where I allow myself to be dark... because if you were me, in my fucking Mayberry where only my Mom is upset with my "success" as an independent woman because being an Independent Woman in her eyes means Failing to Find and Capture the Right Husband to Make Grandchildren With, then you would be Dark and extremely Upset too, since This Man, Who Made You Believe for Several Weeks That You Are His One and Only, was only leading you on. Again.

But, as a Dark soul speaking honestly to you, I cannot wait to meet the other man, the one who I know will help me fade out of the Dark and be happy... so I hope you see this too. This was just a rant, not a bullet to the head.

Cheers in 2009.


F*** You, The Biggest Loser

Oh my goodness. Can you believe The Biggest Loser made me cry tonite? I barely ever watch it, but geez, tonite I was simply SUCKED IN. And it made me cry for almost an hour. F--k you, The Biggest Loser!


Tuesday's Downfall

New year; new me…

Resolution 1: quit smoking.
Resolution 1: don't smoke in the house.
Resolution 1: don’t take smokes with you when you leave the house – bum them from someone else if you really have to smoke.
Resolution 1: only smoke on a “cigarette walk” near the house.

Resolution 1: try to cut down on your cigarette intake

Resolution 2: be healthy
Resolution 2: no Cheetos
Resolution 2: 5 veggies and fruits ALMOST daily
Resolution 2: no fast food

Resolution 2: don’t beat yourself up about what you eat

Resolution 3: don't drink alcohol at home by yourself

Resolution 3: don't drink an entire bottle of wine at home by yourself

Resolution 3: try to minimize drinking at home

Resolution 4: Run 3x week and gym 2x week

Resolution 4: exercise more than you are now
Okay, maybe not right away…


Dark Cloud on my Friends

A dark and tragic cloud has descended upon my friends. I do not say hooray. I say be strong. I am not very spiritual, but your tragedy is echoing and your strength is acknowledged and supported by my thoughts, hopes and prayers. Rise up. No bullshit today and for many days to come, I promise you that. Stay strong, my friends.


Wake Up.

Wake up. I'm back.

"Donnie Darko" is one of my favorite movies, because in my opinion, the story can be interpreted in any one of 3 different ways. I'm still confused. I'd like to talk to the writer. If anyone knows him and knows he likes to discuss the storyline, feel free to connect us.

That's not really why I'm here right now. I've objected from my other blog, citing that I no longer need nor have the time for the outlet. But that's not true. My Darker side still remains, and still needs to post. So here I am again, despite my absence of late.

Wake up. My creative senses can rest no more. Wake up and talk to me.




It was funny when George W. Bush said it during a speach, I agree. But by changing the way that we speak about the internet or refer to the internet only gives that idiot president of ours an even more permanent place in history than he already has.

Go ahead and laugh at him any other way, but please, PLEASE stop saying internets. It might just stick.